Healthy Schools
A Healthy School:
- Is one that promotes physical, social, emotional and mental health and helps equip pupils, staff and families with the skills and attitudes to make informed decisions about their health.
- Is successful in supporting pupils to do their best and build on their achievements; it is committed to ongoing improvement and development.
- Recognises the importance of investing in health and wellbeing to assist in the process of raising children and young people’s achievement levels.
- Involves the whole school community, parents, governors, staff and pupils in improving children’s health, wellbeing and happiness, helping them to get the most out of life.
School Games
The School Games Mark is a government led awards scheme launched in 2012 to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community. Participating in this process allows schools to evaluate their PE provision and assists them in developing an action plan for future progress.
Schools North East
Schools North East is an inclusive network led by Head Teachers creating a unique culture of collaboration and mutual support and bringing the expertise of our members to benefit developments within our region.
Eat Well Award
We know that early years settings and childminders have a big role to play in helping children to get the best start in life. The Eat Well Early Years award recognises settings which are committed to providing healthy food, as well as teaching children about the importance of being healthy. Free Eat Well training is available to help settings to achieve the standards needed for the award.
Education Improvement Partnership
Redcar and Cleveland Education Improvement Partnership (EIP) is a powerful partnership made up of all of the Special Schools, Secondary Schools and
Academies, Sixth Form College and FE College and the Local Authority in Redcar & Cleveland. All schools and colleges within the Redcar and Cleveland Education Improvement Partnership
are fully committed to working together to secure continuous improvement and achieve the best outcomes for our young people to ensure they have the best opportunities to be successful in their future
Dig It Projects
Dig It Projects was Founded by Richard Smith in August 2008. A local landscaper that saw a need to provide the opportunity for ALL Schools and Community Groups the chance to have their own ´Allotment Style Garden´ facility on site, backed up by expert guidance on how to grow fresh produce.
The Eco-Schools programme provides a simple, seven-step framework that answers this question whilst empowering young people to make a difference in their school, local community and beyond.
Be the Change
Be The Change offers a solution to the UK’s litter crisis, it challenges and empowers pupils to take a leading role in tackling this issue, stopping the flow of litter and keeping the communities they represent litter free!
Music Mark
Music Mark are a membership organisation, Subject Association, and an Arts Council England Investment Principles Support Organisation (IPSO) advocating for excellent musical learning in and out of school.