Our PTFA is a registered charity which runs activities and raises funds for the benefit of our pupils and the school. We usually have events running throughout the year, often fun things that make learning more interesting and exciting!
Staff are able to place bids presented to the PTFA to receive funding for specific activities or resources which enhance the curriculum for example, ICT software, outdoor resources, costumes or equipment.
The PTFA events have a useful social function too. They provide an opportunity for parents, carers, friends of the school, staff and pupils to get together, providing a great way to build the whole school community, including links with the wider society – all of which benefits the school and offers a positive influence within the local area.
The PTFA is always looking for new fundraising ideas, so even if you cannot give your time, your suggestions would be very welcome.
How can you help?
You could come along to a committee meeting and see whether you would like to contribute to the organisation of the groups.
Here’s what one of our members said:
“I was new to the area and a bit overwhelmed with the prospect of my son starting school. I took the plunge by volunteering to join the PTFA . It’s been a great way of building my confidence and meeting new friends. The PTFA events are good fun and working with other parents to improve the school is really satisfying. My advice – do it!”
If you are interested in joining the PTFA please email us on office@saltburnprimary.co.uk, marking your message FAO PTFA.