Education is the most powerful means to create future possibilities for individuals and whole communities. We passionately believe that we are “all learners, always learning”. This cultural belief runs right through Saltburn Learning Campus and is based upon the knowledge that with feedback everyone can always improve and there is no limit to anyone’s potential. It also acknowledges that learning is not solely about academic progress but in many ways, more importantly about the constant development of our personal characteristics. We believe that educating the whole individual will ultimately lead to a society full of motivated and developed people able to embrace the dynamic and multi-cultural developments in the modern world. To do this staff, parents and carers along with the pupils themselves have to be open to the reality of continued learning.

Learner values:
In our pursuit of lifelong learning we have high expectations for all our pupils. We know they have great aspirations and our job is to, in partnership with parents, carers and the community, guide them in shaping these hopes and dreams. In this our “LEARNER” values embody the characteristics we model, foster and develop.

  • Listen – We explore new information and respect others
  • Engage – We commit to being fully in the moment and developing self-discipline
  • Accept – We accept our responsibilities to ourselves, others and the community
  • Reflect – We look back, so we can move forward
  • Nurture – We support others, regardless of difference, showing kindness and care, allowing us all to shine
  • Enable – We inspire others to realise their potential and empower future leaders
  • Repeat – We demonstrate resilience and a growth mind-set, persevering when challenged

We believe that everyone is entitled to an outstanding education and are committed to providing this and allowing us all to continue to learn and develop.