We have a variety of downloads available to view the curriculum for Year 3. Whole school we use the Big Cat Reading Scheme supplemented by the Oxford Reading Tree and Dandelion Readers.

What do our downloads mean?

  • Afternoon Curriculum Subject Criteria: Subject criteria for science and foundation subjects in a single grid. This makes it easy to see the breadth of coverage for the year at a glance. Each class covers all statements throughout the year in an agreed order to make the most of seasonal opportunities.
  • Medium term overview: A map of each statements the classes will be covering, taken from the ‘Afternoon Curriculum Subject Criteria’ document. We aim to cover the full breadth of the curriculum while providing pupils with an opportunity to draw clear, cross-curricular links in their learning, with each year group having a termly lead subject and topic theme. The other subjects are taught linked to this theme where appropriate, while a minority of subjects continue to be taught discretely out of necessity (e.g. PE).
  • Maths Curriculum Criteria: Provides a detailed overview of what is expected of each pupil using statements taken from the national curriculum; also giving an overview of the order in which statements will be taught. This order has been planned to ensure that base skills in number are developed at the earliest opportunity to give a strong, foundation of core principles and skills on which all other mathematical concepts hinge.
  • Writing Curriculum Criteria: Provides an overview as to demands of the national curriculum in writing. It is expected that each pupil will gradually develop and demonstrate these skills as the year progresses.