There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.

Walt Disney

Vision for Saltburn children

Reading is a fundamental skill that underpins all other subjects. It is at the heart of everything we do. It provides children with the knowledge and ability to venture further than our locality; reading takes us on adventures, it teaches us about the world and it helps us see representations of ourselves whilst celebrating diversity and difference. At Saltburn, we aim to instil a love of reading through listening and discussing books, through choosing quality texts and through providing quality first teaching to hone the skills to become fluent and accomplished readers.

  • Read accurately, fluently and with understanding;
  • Apply a knowledge of structured synthetic phonics in order to decode unfamiliar words with increasing accuracy and speed;
  • Be able to read with expression, clarity and confidence;
  • Develop a good linguistic knowledge of vocabulary and grammar;
  • Read and respond to a wide range of different types of texts;
  • Develop a deeper level of emotional intelligence and empathy;
  • Read fluently, and with confidence, in any subject in their forthcoming secondary education.

How will we enrich cultural capital?

We recognise that, while all children equally deserve the very best start in life, not all children receive the same opportunities as their peers around the country. Levels of disadvantage fluctuate from one school or class to another, and these differences can affect a child’s life chances in so many ways. We believe that it is our duty to enrich the lives of all children wherever possible to diminish this difference.

Our local area provides many opportunities for children to experience engage in and observe visual arts.

  • Inviting local authors and illustrators to visit school to share expert knowledge and skills with passion and enthusiasm
  • School trips organised to enhance classroom learning and provide children with a visual stimulus
  • Annual theatre company to KS2 to study a classic text (The Hobbit & The Secret Garden)
  • Saltburn Book Worms – celebrating children achieving reading miles
  • Our Bedtime Bookbag – KS1 snuggle up with a book and a hot chocolate
  • Refugee Week – exploring picture books across school based on refuge
  • Engaging in national and local events and celebrations
  • Saltburn Library – half termly visits where children can be exposed to a variety of reading material
  • Use of community space to share and celebrate pupils’ work
  • World Book Week – in-depth studies of the work of authors to stimulate the children’s own creative pieces.
  • Book Club – provides the opportunity for children to discuss and delve further into literature of their choice

Our Reading Newsletters

Our Reading Spine

Here at Saltburn Primary School, we are committed to developing a joy of reading within all of our children.

It is obviously important that children learn to become proficient in the mechanics of reading. This begins with phonic decoding, and gradually moves on to developing fluency and prosody as children grow. To do this, we teach reading each day, and ensure that children are matched to books appropriate to their reading level.

However, teaching a child to read is simply not enough. Children must also be inspired to engage readily and frequently with books to truly unlock the awesome potential of the written word. They must develop a positive reading attitude that will set them up for life. Put simply, we want our children to choose to read. 

Our Reading Process

Our Reading Assessment

Useful Links